Science Laboratory Technology in Nigeria: duties, courses, jobs and salaries

Science Laboratory Technology in Nigeria is an important branch of science, and our future depends a lot on its condition and development. That is why we are going to tell you everything about it today. With the material we have prepared for you, you will know who is a lab technician, how to become one and what salary you can expect working in this field. So, keep reading to find everything out.

When it comes to the education of Science Laboratory Technology, the most apparent and promising future position is the laboratory technician. Here, you are going to deal with the various scientific matters concerning researches, investigations, analysis and so on. So, read on to study all the details on the lab technician duties and get an entire image of this profession.

Importance of Science Laboratory Technology in Nigeria

Scientific laboratory technicians deal with such tasks that are related to in-depth scientific analyses which in their turn help to make new inventions and breakthrough in the sphere they work, carrying out different experiments and researches. Having studied information from the official website of Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology.

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Scientific laboratory technicians are supposed to perform necessary examinations concerning chemical, physical or biological fields. Occupying this position means to work in a team, so it is essential to perform your particular job and tasks accurately, in order not to interrupt the complex process of work in the lab.

Moreover, the proper functioning of the lab should be guaranteed, both as a team and working space, as any mistake can put in danger the employees and equipment. That is why following all the instructions and work safety standards is the foremost task of the laboratory technician.

What you are going to work with as a lab technician is a great contribution to the development of the nation's science environment. Your involvement will support the promotion and improvement of contemporary science and medicine of Nigeria. And the impact you will make on it can't be underpriced, as it operates an essential function in the establishment steps of research and development (R&D) and experimental inquiry and study.

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The list of duties you will be responsible in the laboratory is quite vast and may vary according to the level of experience and particular position you take throughout the period of your professional development. But here are the main things you are to deal with:

  • Performing lab tests to provide reliable and accurate results for further scientific examinations;
  • Carrying out regular assignments correctly according to the specified instructions to complete inquiries;
  • Preparing examples and specimens;
  • Constructing, maintaining and operating conventional workroom facilities;
  • Keeping facilities in a sanitary and usable condition and ensuring the harmless discharge of waste;
  • Recording and interpreting investigation outcomes to display to senior co-workers;
  • Using workstations and performing mathematical calculations to provide charts and diagrams;
  • Ensuring the lab has all the necessary working materials, checking their availability in stock, expiry dates, and labels.

The specifics of the tasks will vary depending on the establishment you work for. For instance, if the institution is dealing with the water industry, you will be chiefly working with gathering and analysing water samples, and .if your company is dealing with environmental health issues and researches, you might be required to perform analyses with food samples.

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We hope that now everything is clear about what lab technicians are dealing with and how important are they so we can proceed to the next question of how to become one of these specialists in Nigeria.

Science Laboratory Technology course in Nigeria

Speaking of the courses for increasing the level of experience, there is no better place in Nigeria than the Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology if you want to become a skilful specialist and master the laboratory technician profession in the best way. Since the year of 1972, this establishment provides excellent training for specialists in the academic field.

NISLT welcomes enthusiastic applicants, establishments, and institutions to apply for the course, specifying the desired programs. Applications can be designated for any course of training online. Follow this link to get more detailed information about the requirements and fees of the program.

Another school that offers excellent training for this specialisation is the University of Nigeria, namely the faculty of Physical Sciences. Here, you have an opportunity to obtain knowledge and necessary skills to work as a lab technician in the following areas:

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  • Chemistry Techniques;
  • Biochemistry Techniques;
  • Physics and Electronic Techniques;
  • Microbiology and Virology Techniques;
  • Physiology and Pharmacology Techniques.

Each kind of course will take you five years of education.

Faculty of Science in Bauchi State University, namely the department of Science Laboratory Technology, provides prospective students with an opportunity to accomplish training in this specialisation and get Bachelor's degree.

University of Port Harcourt offers a corresponding training as well. Its School of Science Laboratory Technology is a perfect place to obtain high-quality education. As well as other courses, this on lasts five years and offers the following specialisations:

  • Biomedical Technology;
  • Microbiology Technology;
  • Geology and Mining Technology;
  • Physics with Production Technology;
  • Physics with Electronics Technology;
  • Biochemistry and Chemistry Technology;
  • Industrial Chemistry and Petrochemical Technology.

Now, we are going to provide you with such useful information as for where one can get a job for the positions of the laboratory technician. Read on to find out the details.

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Science Laboratory Technology jobs in Nigeria

In Nigeria, there are lots of possibilities for promising or already reputed specialist in the field of Science Laboratory Technology across many states. There are opportunities to find a job in different research institutes and establishments, private laboratories, hospitals and many other organisations that suggest the need to hire laboratory technicians for working with analysing products, medicines and many other things.

Here are the links to the websites, which can help you find the job in Nigeria in the specialization you need:

  • (laboratory scientist);
  • (science laboratory technician).

Everything depends on the peculiarities of the company itself, what it deals with, and of course, your field of interest and specialisation of training you have obtained.

If you want to know how much the work of these professionals is evaluated, then you should definitely read on for more information.

Science laboratory technology salary in Nigeria

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Apart from the importance and necessity of the Science Laboratory Technology profession, they are quite attractive due to the salary that can be earned if you work in this sphere. Honestly speaking, the wages may vary depending on some factors like experience and company rate, but still, they are quite reasonable.

According to the website, the average salary of a laboratory technician in Nigerian is about 209,000 Naira. As we mentioned before, its size depends on some aspects. For example, the stated wage of laboratory technician with working experience of a maximum of two years (entry-level) is 171,000 Naira. For specialist with mid-level (working experience from 3 to 9 years) is 88,000 Naira. And senior-level laboratory technicians with experience starting from 10 years can earn up to 1,240,000 Naira.

And, that is it for today. We hope our article was useful and interesting for you, and you have enriched your knowledge about such field of activity as Science Laboratory Technology in Nigeria and professions related to it. And, maybe, you have even got interested in becoming one in order to influence the future of our country.

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