Heres What Would Happen If the Titanic Sank Today

Almost 110 years ago, the Titanic, which was proclaimed to be the largest ship at the time, was set afloat. The voyage the Titanic took its passengers on was supposed to be fancy and magnificent but ended up being a disaster. The Titanic took the lives of more than 1,500 people and this tragedy became an inspiration for various works of art. But most importantly, it made seafaring keep history from repeating itself.

We at Bright Side found out what would happen if the Titanic was built more than a hundred years later and whether the catastrophe was inevitable or not. And we wanted to share our findings with our readers.

Why did the Titanic sink?

Before we answer the main question, which is, what would happen if the Titanic sank today, let’s first find out why it sank in the first place. If you’re thinking, “Well, it sank because it crashed into an iceberg,” you’re correct but, there was a specific sequence of events that led to the Titanic not surviving this crash.

1. It all happened too fast.

According to the official data, the Titanic’s speed during the last hours before the crash was around 22 knots (25.3 miles per hour). The reason why the ship was going that fast is unclear. However, some researchers say that the Titanic’s captain, Edward J. Smith, wanted to outstrip another ship called the Olympiс, Titanic’s older sister, that was also sailing at the same time. Hence, Smith made the Titanic go too fast, even though he was aware they were sailing through an area with icebergs. The speed, in many aspects, became the reason why the ship did not survive the collision.

2. Radio operators ignored the warnings.

Though, before the iceberg even became visible, the Titanic was getting radio signals notifying it about the iceberg. Yet, the signals were ignored by the operators because they were also working for a telecommunications company and were busy transferring messages to the passengers.

3. The crew had no binoculars.

whats Funny

The collision was also quite sudden because the crow’s nest crew members had no binoculars. The keys for the place where the binoculars were stored were held by Second officer David Blair. Blair got off the Titanic in Southampton and did not pass the keys off to another officer. Hence, the crew was left without any tools to see the incoming iceberg. Officer Blair saved the keys as a souvenir, and in 2007 they were sold at auction.

4. There weren’t enough lifeboats.

They needed to be smarter

The Titanic only had 20 boats, but that was not enough to carry all of the passengers and the crew. The number was actually below the capacity of the ship. The Titanic did not have enough lifeboats because the crew was afraid that the davits would not be able to support all of them. As a result, more than 1,500 people did not get a place on a lifeboat.

And what about contemporary ships?

So, what if the Titanic was constructed not in 1912 but in 2021? Would it even collide with the iceberg and, if so, would it survive?

1. Today, the Titanic would have enough lifeboats to carry every passenger.

Jack could fit on the door

The Titanic’s tragedy highly influenced maritime policy. One of the essential ones was concerning lifeboats. Since 1914 both British and American Boards of Inquiry require ships to have enough lifeboats to accommodate 100% of the passengers and the crew. This requirement is also set out in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.

2. The Titanic would most likely receive the iceberg warnings.

In 1912, right after the Titanic’s crash, the United States government passed the Radio Act. This act, also supported by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, required radio communication to be operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on passenger ships. Also, this act requires the ship to receive all the signals they get from neighboring ships.

3. Locked binoculars are not an issue anymore.

Modern ships are equipped with advanced scanners and radar. This radar uses a rotating antenna to spread microwaves and detect ships, land, and any other objects around the vessel. The radar helps ships to get an early warning of a potential collision.


Yay for Face Book

So, as you can see, it would be less likely for the Titanic to sink if it was constructed in 2021. It means that you, if you chose to take the voyage, could feel safe on a modern ship. And on an extraordinary occasion, if radar failed and nobody received your ship’s signals, you most likely would get a comfy spot on a lifeboat and livestream the accident on your social media.

Did you know the actual reasons why the Titanic sank? Have you ever thought about what would happen if the Titanic was built today?
