How to Find and Beat This Boss

This year's Fortnightmares brings many new things to 'Fortnite' including the new Inkquisitor NPC boss fight which has players on the ropes.

It's officially the spooky season in Fortnite, and with that comes Fortnitemares, the game's big Halloween event. Of course, it wouldn't be Fortnitemares without a tough-as-nails NPC boss to fight, and this year it's the Inkquisitor.

For those fresher to the Fortnite experience, Fortnitemares is the Halloween special event that Fortnite puts on every year. This year's Fortnitemares includes a werewolf transformation ritual, Ash from The Evil Dead, and a few different NPC boss fights including the Inkquisitor.

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The Inkquisitor is one of the new NPC bosses in Fortnite and can be quite formidable for unprepared players. Luckily there are a few things that you can do to ensure you'll have an easier time facing off against the Inkquisitor in Grim Gables.

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How to find and beat the Inkquisitor in 'Fortnite.'

To start with, you'll have to find the Inkquisitor quest in the quest tab under Fortnitemares' tab. Once the quest is selected, players will have to make their way through the Fortnite map to Grim Gables to activate the fight.

Players will then make their way to the manor at the base of a mountain in Grim Gables under which the Inkquisitor resides. There are a few was to enter the boss arena, each with their own varying effectiveness.

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The first and most accessible route to the boss battle is through the side door into the basement of the manor. Inside, the floor will drop out from under the player, dropping them directly into the action. This route isn't recommended for players trying to solo the Inkquisitor since they are fairly relentless in close quarters.

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The second route is through a shed in the cornfield behind the manor. The floor inside of this shed can be destroyed to gain access to behind a hidden wall in the mine shaft area where the Inkquisitor boss fight takes place. This is a more ideal entrance into the fight since it affords the player some distance and cover between them and the Inkquisitor.

Lastly, players can also find a boulder at the top of a hill near the manor which, if knocked down the hill precisely, can open an entrance to the Inkquisitor boss fight beneath the manor. This method is ideal for joining the fight while other players are currently facing off against he Inkquisitor.

Fighting the Inkquisitor can be quite the challenge if unprepared. For starters, players should make sure their health and shields are up to snuff as well as being loaded out with a good handful of heavy hitting weapons such as the Jack-O-Launcher. Fighting the Inkquisitor head-on is a death sentence so the best way to mitigate damage for yourself and your teammates during the fight is to stick to cover and to try to enclose the Inkquisitor with building, particularly building with metal, to keep damage off of you and your team.
