The health benefits of Cayenne Pepper (Shombo)

Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin. Capsaicin has a range of health benefits.

Cayenne Pepper contains different vitamins and minerals. It has Vitamin C, beta carotene, Vitamin E, Vitamin A and many other nutrients.


These antioxidants help to get rid of toxic substances known as free radicals and so prevents heart conditions, cancers, Alzheimer’s, and other neurodegenerative illnesses.

This refers to a topical ointment or in pills and not cayenne pepper in food. The capsaicin in Cayenne Pepper helps to reduce a substance known as P, P is a neuropeptide that signals pain from the brain to the body.

This topical ointment helps to reduce pain after surgery, joint and muscle pain and, lower back pain.


If you have a cold, try this home-made remedy

To make a home remedy that includes cayenne pepper, a person should do the following:

Mix one-fourth teaspoon of cayenne pepper, one-fourth teaspoon of ground ginger, one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and two tablespoons of water, mix it all and drink.

You could also mix cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar into hot water to clear your sinuses.

Researchers discovered that cayenne pepper has anti-bacterial properties and that it fought and cured A Streptococci, a bacteria which causes strep throat and other diseases.


A Streptococcus is a bacteria that causes skin infections. Cayenne pepper fights against these bacteria. Capsaicin patches gotten from Cayenne pepper reduce itching caused by different skin conditions, like psoriasis and, itching from dialysis.

Do you know that burning sensation you feel when you are taking in peppery food? Well, research has discovered that 1 gram of cayenne pepper helps to increase the body’s core temperature this, in turn, leads to calories burning.

These are reasons why you should not shy away from Cayenne peppers(Shombo). It has innumerable gain.
