Why Pre-marital S*X Is Advisable Tosin Adekansola

Actress Tosin Adekansola has shared her perspective on the topic of sexual relationships before marriage.

She believes that it’s crucial to engage in sexual intimacy with a partner before committing to a lifelong journey with them.

She emphasized that taking the significant step before marriage contributes to establishing a stronger foundation for a successful lifelong commitment.

Adekansola firmly asserted that comprehending each other’s desires, preferences, and compatibility in the bedroom is vital for creating a healthy and satisfying marital bond.

During an interview with Debbie Shokoya, Adekansola discussed how some women resort to infidelity in their marriages due to sexual dissatisfaction.

She emphasized the significance of comprehending your partner’s sexual desires before committing to marriage.

She said: “S3x before marriage is good. Test the thing before getting married. Because some women are fornicating while still married because their husband can’t perform in bed or is too overactive in bed.”
